Health Tips
Ten Tips To Protect Your Family
- Wash your hands well after any exposure to soil (gardening), sandboxes and raw meat.
- Eat only well-cooked meat.
- Wash fresh fruits and vegetables to eliminate contamination.
- Have a spouse, partner or friend change the litter box. If changing the litter is unavoidable, change it daily. Be certain to wash hands well after changing the litter.
- Supervise infants sitting on the ground or on the floor. Do not allow them to eat dirt or food that has fallen.
- Pick up dog and cat feces from the yard daily.
- Cover sandboxes and play areas to prevent wildlife and strays from contaminating these areas.
- Take your pet to the veterinarian regularly and have your pet tested for parasites at least yearly.
- Deworm your cat or dog per your veterinarian’s recommendations.
- Administer year-round products to help control Toxocara infections and other products as directed by your veterinarian to control other parasites.