Tapeworms are long, flat worms that attach themselves to your cat’s intestines. A tapeworm body consists of multiple parts, or segments, each with its own reproductive organs. Tapeworm infections are usually diagnosed by finding segments—which appear as small white worms that may look like grains of rice or seeds—on the rear end of your cat, in your cat’s feces, or where your cat lives and sleeps.
There are several different species of tapeworms that may infect your cat, each with stage(s) in a different intermediate (in-between) host, which the cat eats. Some use fleas as the intermediate host; others use small rodents, such as mice and squirrels, as intermediate hosts.
How will tapeworms affect my cat?
Cats rarely show any signs associated with tapeworm infection. Occasionally infection with uncommon tapeworms results in disease, however.
How do I prevent my cat from getting tapeworms?
Try to keep your cat from coming in contact with intermediate hosts that contain tapeworm larvae. Because fleas are an intermediate host for the most common kind of tapeworm, flea control is an essential prevention measure.
If you think your cat is infected with tapeworms, call your veterinarian for an appointment to get an accurate diagnosis and safe, effective treatment options.
Can humans be harmed by tapeworms?
Certain tapeworms found in dogs or cats may cause serious disease in humans. Fortunately, these tapeworms (Echinococcus species) are uncommon in the United States and are readily treated by prescriptions available from your veterinarian. There are rare reports of Dipylidium (a common tapeworm in pets) infections in children, but these infections are not associated with significant disease.
Did you know?
- Most tapeworms do not produce obvious symptoms in cats, other than worm segments on your cat's rear end or feces.
- Cats can get tapeworms from fleas, mice, or other rodents.
- Flea control is an important step in protecting your cat from tapeworms.
- People rarely are affected by cat tapeworms.
- Other kinds of worms that cats can get include heartworms, hookworms, and roundworms.
Learn More about Specific Parasites
- Overview
- Coccidia
- Dandruff
- Ear Mites
- Fleas
- Heartworms
- Hookworms
- Mange
- Roundworms
- Tapeworms
- Ticks
- Toxoplasmosis
Ask Your Veterinarian
Cats most frequently get tapeworms from fleas, so keeping your pet free of these is a big help. Keeping your cat from eating prey animals is also important. If you think your cat may have tapeworms, your veterinarian can test for them, and will have save and effective treatment options.